You Choose

People often don’t know
If I’m coming or going
Front and rear
Both seem to appear
If I try to conform
To the image in your mind
You may end up regretting
What you find
Look deep in the mirror
Do you really want two?
I’m learning what not to do
Its tough being blind open link. Poem of choice. Watercolor by me.

About Mary (tqhousecat)

I am married, and a mother of two grown children. I love Jesus and sharing my faith through written words. My poetry is on my blog and you can find some previous stories on Medium and linked-in. My focus is hope in Christ. My desire is that whoever reads this will be blessed, inspired, occasionally amused, kind, and patient to my growth in Christ as He conforms me to His image.
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13 Responses to You Choose

  1. scotthastiepoet says:

    Clever and engaging piece Mary, it works well on several levels – even before you get to the final line…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Ingrid says:

    People always want us to conform to the image in their minds, but it is better to abandon preconceptions and enjoy others for who they are! A powerful poem, Mary.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. rothpoetry says:

    Well done Mary! Expectations can be overwhelming at times.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. msjadeli says:

    Humans are complex beings that exist within the context of ever-changing moments. Impossible to pin any person into a fixed position. That pressure to not make waves can be overwhelming at times as the ripples can knock us off balance (speaking for myself here.)

    I love your cat painting. Pretty color combination. Cats are great creatures of habit but you never know what they will do next. What a cool combination of attributes (says a person with 2 wonderfully balanced furbabies.)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Lisa. I love cats, right now no furbabies here. This painting is my revealing of tq in tqhousecat which I have kept secret for years. Time to tell, turquoise…my birthstone.

      Liked by 1 person

      • msjadeli says:

        Mary, you’re very welcome. I hope you have your painting in a nice frame and matte and up on the wall so she can greet you every day. Was her name turquoise too, in honor of the birthstone? Glad you decided to reveal the secret today ❤


  5. sanaarizvi says:

    Above all, remain true to your origin… is what I believe in 💝💝 Gorgeous, evocative write, Mary!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. My cat was Myra Marbles, a tortoiseshell breed. Really my daughters cat, but you bond most with who feeds you. 😉 She lived 18 years.
    I am planning to hang this one, it is on canvas.


  7. It is so much we never know about someone when we meet… and maybe there is also a lot we don’t know about ourselves, maybe when it comes to this we are all a little bit blind.


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