A Box Unopened

Me with
A box wrapped
With ribbons and bows
Seamless edges so tightly sealed
Tell me not to open it
Should I dare cherish the outside more
Let me believe love within is greater than
Dazzling show….I will relish in the dream


No matter how many walls you take down
You will never destroy them all
No matter how many walls you build up
For every prey there is a predator
Boxes within boxes
Without…no secrets can be kept
With…our love must have wings


dVersepoetspub.com Today is quadrille Monday…44 word poem. Prompt word is Box.  I thought of two, so I wrote two.

About Mary (tqhousecat)

I am married, and a mother of two grown children. I love Jesus and sharing my faith through written words. My poetry is on my blog and you can find some previous stories on Medium and linked-in. My focus is hope in Christ. My desire is that whoever reads this will be blessed, inspired, occasionally amused, kind, and patient to my growth in Christ as He conforms me to His image.
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11 Responses to A Box Unopened

  1. whimsygizmo says:

    Love both, Mary. Especially that double meaning in the first word “Present” for the first one. 🙂


  2. Grace says:

    I will be excited with that unopened box, a present!

    Boxes within boxes, I agree. Thanks for sharing 2 Qs today Mary!


  3. kanzensakura says:

    I do like the second one muchly. “For every prey there is a predator”
    Excellent line


  4. sanaarizvi says:

    Love this especially; “For every prey there is a predator/Boxes within boxes/Without…no secrets can be kept/With…our love must have wings.” Potent write!


  5. kim881 says:

    Both quadrilles speak to me, Mary. My favourte lines are from the first one:
    ‘Should I dare cherish the outside more
    Let me believe love within is greater than
    Dazzling show’.


  6. the way you presented that present is so enticing – makes me feel like Pandora


  7. Frank Hubeny says:

    Nice description and I trust it is all more than show: “Let me believe love within is greater than
    Dazzling show”


  8. hannamccown says:

    I love this. It’s so true. I suppose it points to faith.


  9. Mish says:

    A lovely pairing of quadrilles. I especially like these last lines….”Without…no secrets can be kept
    With…our love must have wings”.


  10. These are excellent, Mary! “for every prey there’s a predator”


  11. Lona Gynt says:

    it is interesting how the revealing of secrets can led to either being devoured or loved. There is little that is as intimate as being the meal for someone, being turned into that new being, being inside a new box, but then not there at all. How much better to be loved and cared for, to be “present” together in a box of sharing and comforting each other, inside each others hearts. That is always the tension, the conundrum, as you say, when one reveals herself to the other, will she be consumed or conjoined. It can be a long and slow unwrapping. Poem both lovely and subtly terrifying. Rarely have I found a deceptively straightforward poem so well done.

    this especially makes me cry –

    “No matter how many walls you take down
    You will never destroy them all”


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