A Single Girl’s Fridge

What’s that she sees
A bed of moss
Atop of slimy soupy stock
And half a sandwich now gone stale
An open can of flat ginger ale
She smells a stench
May start her pukin’
She never got around to cookin’
Oh tonight she’s got a dinner date
Cleanin’ now will make her late
She shuts the door cause she’s not willin’
For anything right now but chillin’

dVersepoetspub.com prompt…just chillin’ with a poem about the fridge.



About Mary (tqhousecat)

I am married, and a mother of two grown children. I love Jesus and sharing my faith through written words. My poetry is on my blog and you can find some previous stories on Medium and linked-in. My focus is hope in Christ. My desire is that whoever reads this will be blessed, inspired, occasionally amused, kind, and patient to my growth in Christ as He conforms me to His image.
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13 Responses to A Single Girl’s Fridge

  1. Waltermarks says:

    I remember those days, being single, eating out, messy fridge. Oh wait, the messy fridge never did change, lol

    Liked by 1 person

  2. lillian says:

    Chuckling I am! …. ah that carefree life of the young….hopefully her mother won’t visit in the morrow! 🙂 Fun one!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh I so wish I could also ignore that messy fridge! I loved her carefree attitude 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. kim881 says:

    I can just imagine that fridge! Nicely done, Mary.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Frank Hubeny says:

    I like chillin’ rather than willin’ to clean the fridge.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Kathy Reed says:

    Reminds me when my father would get angry with my mother when something turned bad in the frig. He needed to be chillin’..

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Maybe we could find a middle way, like having at least some wine and cheese to chill the better.


  8. Sue Anderson says:

    My husband would not be chillin’ after looking at that fridge. Me, on the other hand? I might not even notice, lol.


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