Unexpected Journey

While we abide in dreams
Poison sweeps
Secretly wrought, unearthed
Shameless and silent

While we abide in fear
Dreams sever
Smoking stench of
What may have been

While we abide in hope
Resistance gathers
New life birthed
A rising dawn
Now abides in me

Dversepoets.com Monday Quadrille. I cannot resist them, so scratched this one out. I hope it makes sense. It does to me.
The word is abide and I was intrigued with the three definitions, one of which I did not know.

“Abide is a verb with three distinct definitions. The first one is, “accept or act in accordance with,” such as a rule, decision or recommendation. The second one is, “be unable to tolerate,” someone or something. The third is, “continue without fading or feeling lost” in regards to a feeling or memory.”

About Mary (tqhousecat)

I am married, and a mother of two grown children. I love Jesus and sharing my faith through written words. My poetry is on my blog and you can find some previous stories on Medium and linked-in. My focus is hope in Christ. My desire is that whoever reads this will be blessed, inspired, occasionally amused, kind, and patient to my growth in Christ as He conforms me to His image.
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11 Responses to Unexpected Journey

  1. Lucy says:

    Wow, this is incredible. I really love the first stanza and the way you took on this prompt. Beautiful writing. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. “While we abide in hope / Resistance gathers” — staying hopeful can be the most hardcore thing we can do!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Mary, this was an excellent piece. I enjoyed how you dealt with dreams, fear, and hope. Very powerful! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  4. rothpoetry says:

    I like your reality of what is and your hope for what will be!


  5. msjadeli says:

    So beautiful, Mary. Good inspiration to share.


  6. Abiding in hope is the best.


  7. sanaarizvi says:

    I so love the idea of a rising dawn abiding inside of us all 💝💝


  8. Truedessa says:

    Dreams, fears and hope are what we carry with us in the journey. Hope is what sustains us through difficult times.


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