
This has lately been an ever growing question and dilemma as I am working on a project that envelops the very subject of solitude. I so appreciate the space to place my developing thoughts. Why can one find such a peace in looking over a storm on the ocean where it is unable to touch you? The sound of thunder when I am safe causes me to settle. I know in some it is not so. I wonder if it is because I trust the storm has its own solitude. It is resolved and at peace with what is. The ocean roars and reins, not out of great need or want, but because it is free and at rest.

Nature mirrors its creator. Lately it speaks loud, but still remains at peace. It is subdued by another’s hand. Will we not be at peace until we do the same?

Birds shiver yet staid
Their trill won’t change in the snow
Spring comes to a song


Today is Tuesday and I am writing Monday’s Haibun for The prompt word is solitude.




About Mary (tqhousecat)

I am married, and a mother of two grown children. I love Jesus and sharing my faith through written words. My poetry is on my blog and you can find some previous stories on Medium and linked-in. My focus is hope in Christ. My desire is that whoever reads this will be blessed, inspired, occasionally amused, kind, and patient to my growth in Christ as He conforms me to His image.
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5 Responses to Solitude

  1. V.J. Knutson says:

    Wonderful pondering, Mary. Thanks for bringing us along. I especially like your final paragraph, and that “Spring comes to a song.”


  2. kim881 says:

    I like the way you describe the incongruity of solitude when watching a thunderstorm over an ocean. I love a good thunderstorm and understand that feeling of peace. I agree with what you say, that ‘the ocean roars and reins, not out of great need or want, but because it is free and at rest’. I do feel sorry for shivering birds – let’s hope spring arrived soon!


  3. Gina says:

    The ocean roars and reins, not out of great need or want, but because it is free and at rest. – i appreciated this line Mary, even in chaos we can carve out moments and spaces of solitude, it is all in the heart and mind and our own control of the elements, lovely haibun


  4. I love the thought of solitude being the observer rather than the participator… somehow I imagine this as a lighthouse in a stormy sea.


  5. Truedessa says:

    Hmm – I have heard it said it is quietest in the eye of the storm. Is that where the solitude resides before chaos intervenes?


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