Steady As I Change

I had a dream that I had lost all the tangible things in my life; things I had worked for, exposed as well as hidden away as treasures. I had another dream that I had made a sumptuous buffet of rich, hearty sandwiches and desserts. I was so busy seeing that everyone was fed, when it came time for me all was gone and I was hungry. Both dreams in one night to awake and wonder about the changing of seasons.

The leaves are just beginning to turn. I am thinking they are late this year. Usually they are further along by now. Will there be enough right conditions to deliver them to explosive color or too much rain as to drown them as they mutely say, “I can’t give anymore, all is lost and I have no grande finale.” And when they do, will we love them less?

Still, smells in the air are wafting in and through me, both in expectation of the oncoming season and loss of the one receding. Memories of a year ago ebb and flow like the tide. Tangible losses, intangible gains, I find myself also in between. So I set my sights to the present, living in the moment of what is in front of me, grateful for what I have.

Air, scent and color
No season comes without change
Hellos and good-byes

This week at dversepoetspub the prompt is a haibun, which is prose ending with a haiku. The theme is based on the Japanese word komorebi, light filtered between leaves visually occurring in the Spring and Fall, that in between season.

About Mary (tqhousecat)

I am married, and a mother of two grown children. I love Jesus and sharing my faith through written words. My poetry is on my blog and you can find some previous stories on Medium and linked-in. My focus is hope in Christ. My desire is that whoever reads this will be blessed, inspired, occasionally amused, kind, and patient to my growth in Christ as He conforms me to His image.
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12 Responses to Steady As I Change

  1. Frank Hubeny says:

    I like how your dream in the first paragraph set up the concern in the second for the trees this autumn and then the “Memories of a year ago ebb and flow like the tide.” seemed to complete the overall approach to change and left the reader with a new way to think of memories–like a tide.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Life invades dreams; Dreams influence life! We are truly influenced by the seasonal changes as you have so wonderfully written, Mary! The equating of memories to the tide grabbed me; I am drawn to the waters!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. kanzensakura says:

    I love the linking memories to the tides. Already I can see in my mind’s eye that not-quite-fall surf coming in and going out. You must be up north somewhere. Down here in the south the leaves are all still green except for the occasional gold or red. They won’t start changing here until mid-September. I say, hurry fall! The last line of your haiku says it all…hellos and goodbyes.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Love how you use the transition to talk about comings and goings… so much is about those changes, not even here in Stockholm the leaves have started to turn… we need the first frost for that…

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Interesting dreams. Sometimes our dreams shout to us loud and clear like this, right? Loss and transitions and taking care of ourselves- nicely echoed in the following prose.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. “Tangible losses, intangible gains, I find myself also in between. So I set my sights to the present, living in the moment of what is in front of me, grateful for what I have.

    Just lovely

    ” Nice haiku as well!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. lynn__ says:

    Beautiful, dreamy haibun with hellos/goodbyes, fear of scarcity and gratitude of enough…so fitting for this season of the year!


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